tips for pregnant : Down's syndrome Test ?

                   Down's syndrome screening test are typically performed in weeks 12-16 .

What's down's syndrome ? 

Down's syndrome, also known as Trisomy 21, is caused by the presence of an extra (third) copy of the chromosome number 21. It affects around one in every 1,000 babies born. In 2011, just under 724,000 babies were born in England and Wales, and 725 of these were born with Down’s syndrome. There's no such thing as a typical person with Down's syndrome. Like everyone, people with Down's syndrome vary a lot in appearance, personality and ability.

People with Down's syndrome have learning difficulties and some have more serious difficulties than others. It's hard to tell how much a baby with Down's syndrome will be affected as a child or an adult. There is currently no cure but with appropriate care, some people with Down's syndrome can be supported to lead an active and independent life.

Conditions linked with Down’s syndrome include heart problems and reduced hearing and vision. Many of these problems can be treated, and frequent health checks can ensure that any problems are detected as early as possible. People with Down's syndrome can live into their 50s, 60s and 70s.

What tests are there for down's syndrome ?

There are screening tests that can assess your chance of having a baby with Down's syndrome. These are:
Blood test plus nuchal translucency ultrasound scan
Quadruple blood test

There are also diagnostic tests that will give you a definite diagnosis of Down's syndrome and, sometimes, other abnormalities. These are:
Chorionic villus sampling (CVS)

Your midwife or doctor will offer you information to help you decide if you want the tests or not.

Amniocentesis :

After counselling, amniocentesis may be offered from the time you are 15 weeks of pregnancy if you have a higher-risk result for Down's syndrome.

What happens at amniocentesis :
Using ultrasound as a guide, a fine needle is passed through the wall of the abdomen (tummy) into the amniotic fluid that surrounds the baby inside the uterus (womb). The cells within the fluid contain the same chromosomes as the baby. A small sample of this fluid is withdrawn and sent to a laboratory for testing. A local anaesthetic is not usually used, and most women feel only mild discomfort. The test takes 5-10 minutes.

The fluid will be tested for Down's syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities. The results for Down's syndrome and other common chromosomal abnormalities should be available within three working days. However, if all the chromosomes have to be looked at, it can take up to three weeks. This test will reveal your baby's sex, so decide if you want to be told at the same time as you receive your diagnostic test results whether your baby is a boy or a girl.
The risks of amniocentesis : 

Amniocentesis has a 0.5%-1% risk of causing a miscarriage. At most, one test in a hundred will result in pregnancy loss. When deciding whether or not to have this test, try to balance the risk of miscarriage with how important the result will be to you.

Tips for pregnant women : Why a ceasarean ?

Cesarean-section why it is necessary ?

A Cesarean section (C-section) is surgery to deliver a baby. The baby is taken out through the mother's abdomen. In the United States, about one in four women have their babies this way. Most C-sections are done when unexpected problems happen during delivery. These include
  • Health problems in the mother
  • The position of the baby
  • Not enough room for the baby to go through the vagina
  • Signs of distress in the baby
C-sections are also more common among women carrying more than one baby.
The surgery is relatively safe for mother and baby. Still, it is major surgery and carries risks. It also takes longer to recover from a C-section than from vaginal birth. After healing, the incision may leave a weak spot in the wall of the uterus. This could cause problems with an attempted vaginal birth later. However, more than half of women who have a C-section can give vaginal birth later.

tips for pregnant women : How an ultrasound scan is performed ?

Every pregnant women want to have information about ultrasound scan and how it is performed ?

Before having an ultrasound scan , you may be asked to prepare for the procedure.For example ,before you have a fetal baby) scan , or a scan of an organ in your pelvic area ,you may be asked to fill your bladder by drinking water and not passing urin until after the test .For other procedures,such as scans of the gallbladder or pancreas ,you may be asked not to eat or drink for up to four hours before the test .

The scan :

There are three main types of ultrasound scan :
  • external ultrasound
  •  internal ultrasound
  • endoscopic ultrasound 

External ultrasound :

an external ultrasound is commonly used to examine your heart or an unborn baby in your womb.A small hand-held device called a transducer is placed on to your skin, and moved over the part of the body that will be examined . A lubricating gel is put onto your skin tat allows the transducer to move smoothly and ensures there's contact between the sensor and the skin .The transducer is connected to a computer and a monitor .Pulses of ultrasound are sent from a probe in the transducer ,through your skin and into your body.Ultrasound waves are bounced back from the structures of your body and are displayed as an image on the monitor .

As well as producing pictures , an ultrasound scan show movement that can be recorded in video. The external scan is painless.You should not feel anything other than the sensor and the gel on your skin ( which is often cold) .If you are having a scan of your uterus,your full bladder may cause you some discomfort .The whole procedure usually takes from 15 to 45 minutes .

internal ultrasound :

Occasionally doctors need to do internal examination to look more closely at structures such as the prostate gland or womb .This involves an ultrasound probe being placed into the vagina or the rectum .Internal examinations may cause some dicomfort but not usually cause any pain .

tips for pregnant women : What ultrasounds are for

          Ultrasound scan are important for monitoring unborn baby .

An ultrasound scan is a routine procedure for pregnant women .It produces an image of the unborn baby inside the womb, and displays it on a monitor .

Most women are offered at least two ultrasound scans during pregnancy the first scan( at around eight to 14 weeks) can help to determinate when the baby is due , and the second scan (usually between 18 and 20 weeks) checks for structural abnormalities ,particularly in the baby head or spine .

Pregnancy advice about Common health problem

                       From morning sickness to vaginal bleeding ,find out how to cope with the minor and more serious symptoms that can occur during pregnancy .

Your body has a great deal to do during pregnancy .Sometimes the change taking place will cause irritation or discomfort , and on occasions they may seem quite alarming .There is rarely any need for alarm but you should mention anything that is worrying you to your maternity team .If you think something may be seriously wrong ,trust your own judgement and get in touch with your midwife or doctor straight away .

Am I Pregnant ?

                Finding out if you are pregnant .

Whether or not you've had a pregnancy test ,you should see a member of the maternity team ,such as your GP or midwife ,as soon as you think you're pregnant  .Being pregnant may affect the treatment of any current or future illness .Your pregnancy will be treated confidentially,even if you're under 16 .Your maternity team will advise you about the antenatal care choices in your local area .

The signs of pregnancy :

For women who have regular monthly cycle ,the earliest and the most reliable sign of pregnancy is missed period .Sometimes,women who are pregnant have a very light period losing only a little blood .

Other signs of pregnancy are :

  • feeling sick :you may feel sick ,or vomit.This is common known as morning sickness  ,but it can happen at any time of the day.If you're being feeling sick all the time and can't keep anything down,contact your GP.
  • changes in your breasts : your breast may become larger and feel tender ,just as they might do before your period .They may also tingle .The veins may be more visible ,and the nipples may darken and stand out .
  • More frequent urination.You may also have to get up in the night to pee.
  • Constipation.
  • An increased vaginal discharge without any soreness or irritation.
  • Tiredness .
  • A strange taste in your mouth,which many women describe as metallic.
  • Craving new foods,or losing interest in certain products that you previously enjoyed ,such as tea ,coffee,tobacco smoke or fatty food.

Pregnancy test :

Pregnancy tests can be carried out on a sample urine from the day of a missed period .If you're pregnant ,this is about two weeks after conception.You can collect urine at any time of the day .collect it in a clean,soap free ,well-rinsed container .

You can get pregnancy tests free of charge from your GP ,from a contraception clinic or buy it from the Internet,usually for a small fee.You can also buy do-it-yourself pregnancy testing kits from pharmacists.They can give a quick result,and you can do the test in private .A range of tests is available.The way they work varies ,so check the instruction first to make sure that you get the right result .

A positive test result is almost certainly correct .A negative result is less reliable.If you still think you're pregnant,wait a week and see a midwife or GP again .

Your feelings and relationships

                       Pregnancy is a time of big changes both physically and emotionally ,which can affect your feelings and relationships,so get as much advice as you can to help you to cope .

When you're pregnant it can sometimes seem as though you're not allowed to have other feelings .People expect you to look forward to the baby ,to be excited and to bloom all the time .You may think that this is the way you ought to be .In fact ,just like any other nine months in your life ,you're likely to have times when you feel low .And pregnancy brings extra reasons for happiness .

Hormonal changes :

Hormonal changes taking place in your body cause much of the tiredness ,nausea and emotional upsets that some women feel in the early months .You may cry more easily ,lose your temper more , and so on .Being tired and rundown can make you feel low .Look after your physical health and get plenty of sleep .

It's normal to feel anxious and worried when you're pregnant ,especially if this is your first pregnancy .There are a number of things you might feel worried about .You may have money worries or concerns about work or where are you going to live .You may be anxious whether you'll cope as a parent or whether you're ready to be a parent at all .You might find antenatal test stressful, particularly if any problem arise after the tests .Some of these anxieties can be shared by your partner ,friend or family ,and it's a good idea to talk about these feelings together .

Talking with your partner :

This may be your first baby but not your partner's ,so you may see and feel things differently .Talking about your feelings with him ,or with someone close to you ,is often a relief and can help you to put things in proportion .It may help him too.

Dreaming about your baby :

It's normal to have dreams about your baby ,and sometimes these dreams might reflect you anxieties .This could be because you're naturally thinking a lot about your pregnancy and the changes in your body .

Pregnancy tip : A healthy start

           Looking after yourself during pregnancy will not only be good for you ,it will help to give your baby a healthy start .

Try to eat a healthy diet based around carbohydrates (such as bread ,rice ,pasta and potatoes -choose whole grain versions when you can ), with lots of fruit and vegetables ,and some protein (meat ,fish,eggs,tofu,beans or pulses) and dairy products .For more information for what to eat and what you need to avoid ,see other tips on healthy eating in pregnancy .

Folic acid will help to protect your baby against neural tube defects ,such as spina bifida ,wich could disable them for life .A neural tube defect is when the foetus's spinal cord (part of the body's nervous system) doesn't form normally .You can buy supplements from a pharmacy ,or ask your GP about prescription .It's a good idea to start taking a daily tablet as soon as you start trying for a baby and keep taking until your 12 weeks pregnant.

Free milk tokens :(USA) :

Milk is rich in calcuim, which is needed for your baby's bone development .

Pregnant women might qualify for tokens for milk ,fresh fruit and vegetables if they get :
  • Income support ,or
  • income-based jobseeker's allowance ,or
  • child Tax credit only .
  • You can also exchange ,milk tokens for free fruit and vegetables .

Tips for pregnant women : Pregnancy test

                       If you have a pregnancy symptom you have to do a pregnancy test ,the most important pregnancy sign is a missed menstrual cycle .

Understanding Pregnancy Test :

The test detect HCG (human chronic gonadotrophin) in your blood or your urine .This hormone is produced shortly after the embryo fixes in your uterus .
Pregnancy tests can be carried out on a sample urine from the day of a missed period .If you're pregnant ,this is about two weeks after conception.You can collect urine at any time of the day .collect it in a clean,soap free ,well-rinsed container .

You can get pregnancy tests free of charge from your GP ,from a contraception clinic or buy it from the Internet,usually for a small fee.You can also buy do-it-yourself pregnancy testing kits from pharmacists.They can give a quick result,and you can do the test in private .A range of tests is available.The way they work varies ,so check the instruction first to make sure that you get the right result .

A positive test result is almost certainly correct .A negative result is less reliable.If you still think you're pregnant,wait a week and see a midwife or GP again .

The best time to take a pregnancy test :

We recommend that you wait after the first of your missed period .However there are some sensitive test that can detect pregnancy before .Sensibility of pregnancy tests is measured with milli-international units(mIU) :  a pregnancy test with a sensitivity of 20mIU/L is more accurate than a test with 50mIU/L .
Blood test given by doctor is more sensitive and can be positive after 12 days .

Home Pregnancy tests accuracy :

Home test are very accrate when used correctly . Every women should know that taking the test early gives false nagative .
However false positive ( A result saying that you're pregnant but you aren"t ) is rare but possible .Thus ,we can say a positive result is pretty good to say that you are pregnant .

Tips for 0-5 weeks

                In the first few weeks there is a lot of growth in your belly, before you may even know you are pregnant .

Three weeks from the first day of your last menstrual period ,the fertilized egg moves slowly along the Fallopian tube towards the womb. The egg begins one simple cell .This cell divides again and again .By the time the egg riches the womb it has become a mass of over 100 cells called an embryo ,and is still growing .

Once in the womb, the embryo settles into the womb lining .This is called implantation .In weeks four to five the embryo settles into the womb lining .the outer cells reach out like roots to link with her mother's blood supply .The inner cells from into two and then three layers .Each of these layers will grow to be different parts of the baby's body.One layer becomes the brain and nervous system ,the skin ,eyes and ears.Another layer becomes the lungs ,stomach and gut  .The third layer becomes the heart ,blood,muscles and bones .

The fifth week is the time of the first missed period , when most women are only just beginning to think they may be pregnant .Yet already the baby's nervous system is starting to develop .A grooves froms in the top layer of cells.The cells fold up and round to make hollow tube called the neural tube .This will become the baby's brain and spinal cord ,so the tube has a 'head end' and 'tail end'.defects in this tube are the cause of spina bifida .At the same time the heart is forming and the baby already has some of its own blood vessels.A string of these blood vessels connects baby and mother and will become the umbilical cord .

Tips for pregnant women : Pregnancy fitness

                       think about your exercise as soon as you know you're pregnant in order to have an easier pregnancy and quicker recovery after birth .

The more active and fit you're during pregnancy , the easier it will be for you to adapt to your changing shape and weight gain .It will also help you to cope with labour and get back into shape after birth .Keep up your normal daily physical activity or exercise (sport,dancing,or just walking to shops and back ) for as long as you feel comfortable .Don't exhaust yourself .You may nee to slow down as your pregnancy progress ,or if your maternity team advise you.If in doubt ,consult your maternity team team .As a general rule ,you should be able to hold a conversation as you exercise . If you become breathless as you talk ,then you are probably exercising strenuously .

If you weren't active before you got pregnant , don't suddenly take up strenuous exercise .If you start an aerobic exercise programme ,begin with no more than 15 minutes continuous exercise ,three times per week .Increase this gradually yo a maximum of 30 minute sessions four times a week.Inform the instructor that you're pregnant .

Exercise dos and don'ts :

  • Do remember that exercise doesn't have to be strenuous to be beneficial .
  • Always warm up before exercising , and cool afterwards .
  • try to keep active on a daily basis . Half a hour of walking each day can be enough .If you can't manage that ,any amount is better than nothing .
  • Avoid any strenuous exercise in hot weather .
  • Drink plenty of water and other fluids .
  • If you go to exercise classes ,make sure your teacher is qualified and knows you're pregnant and how far your pregnancy has progressed .
  • You might like to try swimming because the water will support your increased weight .Some local swimming pools provide aqua-natal classes with qualified instructor .

Exercise to avoid :

  • Don't exercise flat on your back,particularly after 16 weeks ,because your bump presses on the big blood vessels ,and it can make you feel faint .
  • Contact sports where there's a risk of being hit ,such as kickboxing ,judo or squash .
  • Horse riding,downhill skiing,ice hockey ,gymnastics and cycling,because there's a risk of falling .
  • Scuba diving ,because the baby has no protection against decompression sickness and gas embolism ( gas bubbles in the bloodstream) .

Antenatal health recommendation

                  Healthy living advice , including diet ,folic acid ,smoking ,alcohol ,caffeine ,medicines .

There are a number of things you can do to stay healthy during your pregnancy .

Exercise : 

It is good to keep active during your pregnancy .It will help you to adapt to your changing shape and weight gain and also help you to get back into shape after birth .
You can read the complete article here .

Alcohol :

When you drink, alcohol passes from your blood ,through the placenta ,to your baby . A baby's liver is one of the last organ to develop fully and does not mature until the latter half of pregnancy .Your baby can not process alcohol as well as you can and too much alcohol can seriously affect your baby's development .

If you are pregnant, or planning to become pregnant , you should try to avoid alcohol completely for the first three months of your pregnancy because there may be an increased risk of miscarriage .

Smoking :

Smoking during pregnancy restricts the essential oxygen supply to your baby and increases the risk of it born underweight and too early . These risks will be reduced if you stop smoking during your pregnancy .

Work :

If you work during pregnancy restricts make sure you know your rights to antenatal care ,maternity leave and benefits .

You can read the integral article here .

Medicines :

Some medicines ca harm your baby's health but some are safe ,for example medication to treat long-term condition such as asthma ,thyroid disease ,diabetes and epilepsy .Always check with your GP ,midwife or pharmacist before taking any kind of medication .

Tips for pregnant : Vitamin D

 You should take vitamin D supplements throughout your pregnancy and while breastfeeding .

Take 10 micro-grams of vitamin D per day ,which is in health start vitamin supplements or other supplements recommended by your midwife .You should continue to take vitamin D throughout your pregnancy and while you are breastfeeding .

Infections that may affect your baby

              Some infects  you may catch during pregnancy can affect your baby's health , so it's important to get yourself checked if you think you may be at risk .

Rubella :

Rubella (or German measles  can seriously affect your baby's sight and hearing , and cause brain and heart defects in your baby if you catch it in the first months of pregnancy . All children are now offered immunization against Rubella through the MMR vaccination at 13 months , and a second vaccination before they start school . If you're not immune and you come into contact with Rubella ,tell your maternity team at once . Blood tests will show whether you've been infected ,and you'll be able to decide what action to take .

Sexually transmitted infections :

Sexually transmitted infections are on the increase , and the most common is Chlamydia . STIs often have no symptoms ,so you may not know if you have one .However,many STIs can affect your baby's health during pregnancy and after the birth .If you have any reason to believe that you or your partner have STI,go for check-u as soon as possible .You can ask your maternity team or ,if you prefer ,go to genito-urinary medicine (GUM) clinic or sexual health clinic .You will be guaranteed confidentiality .

To find a local sexual health and genito-urinary medicine (GUM° clinic call the sexual health helpline .If you're under 25 years old , you can also visit a brook center for free ,confidential advice ,or you can contact the National Chlamydia screening programe for a free confidential test .

Exercise during pregnancy


                     Staying fit during pregnancy will help you cope better with the physical demands of pregnancy , labor and motherhood.

Finding out that you're pregnant doesn't mean you have to give up the thing you enjoy .If you're lucky you'll feel at your healthiest .If not ,exercise may help by boosting your energy levels and your immune system .

Exercise builds muscle tone , strength and stamina , wich can help your body cope with pregnancy weight gain (12,7 kg or two stones ,on average) .Keeping active can make it easier to regain pre-pregnancy fitness levels after the birth .It can help to reduce constipation and tiredness ,as well as circulation problems .

Get moving every day :

Try to keep active every day .keep up your normal daily phsical activity or exercise (sport,dancing or just walking to the shops and back) for as long as you feel comfortable Fitting in half a hour of activities , such as walking ,can help to keep you active .If you can't manage that ,any amount is better than nothing .
Don't exhaust yourself .You may need to slow down as your pregnancy progresses ,or if your doctor advises you to .If you go to an exercise class ,make sure that the teacher is properly qualified and that they know you're pregnant and how far your pregnancy has progressed .

General dos and don'ts :

  • Do remember that exercise doesn't have to be strenuous to be beneficial .
  • Do remember that the appropriate level of exercise will depend on how fit you were becoming pregnant .
  • Do wear loose,comfortable clothes .Drink plenty of fluids ,and don't allow yourself to get overheated,as this can be harmful to the baby .
  • Do take gentle approach to exercise that put strain and joints and ligaments .During pregnancy ,women are more vulnerable to joint and ligament injury because the body produces relaxin , a hormone that loosens joints and ligaments in preparation for childbirth .
  • Do listen to your body .Dizziness and fatigue is common in the first 12 weeks or so .Some women lose their balance later on as the baby grows and their center gravity shifts .
  • Consult your healthcare provider if you have vaginal bleeding ,shortness of breath ,palpitations (faster ,heartbeat) or pain in the back or pelvis .
  • Do avoid contact sports and any activity with a potential for falling or being hit,such as horse riding ,judo or skiing.
  • Don't exercise in order to lose weight during pregnancy because this may harm the baby .
  • Don't do any strenuous exercise in hot weather .
  • Don't exercise flat on your back,particularly after 16 weeks ,because your bump presses on the big blood vessels ,and it can make you feel faint .
  • Don't use saunas or steam rooms .They can make you too hot ,which can be harmful to the baby.
  • If you can't take easily while exercising ,you're overdoing it ,so slow down .

Tips for pregnant women : antenatal health facts

                          Employment rights,maternity leave, SMP .

Paid time off for antenatal care :

You are entitled to time off to attend antenatal appointment , including the time it takes to get to your GP , without losing pay .After your first appointment your employer may ask to see your appointment card and your certificate stating that you 're pregnant . Antenatal care can include parenting and relaxation classes and workshops ,although you may need a letter from your GP or midwife stating that these are part of your antenatal care .

Health and safety :

Employers have a responsibility to protect the health and safety of their employees . This includes assessing any potential risks at work while you are pregnant and when you return to work .

Employers should do their best to resolve any risks to health and safety and if necessary offer you a suitable alternative job . If this is not possible your employer should suspend you on full pay as long as is necessary to avoid any risks . To get the full benefit of this legal protection as an employee , you should notify you employer in writing that you are pregnant ,have recently given birth or breastfeeding . For more information on your legal rights in the workplace see the pregnancy care planner .It is sex discrimination if your employer treats you unfairly ,dismisses you or selects you for redundancy for any reason linked to pregnancy ,childbirth or maternity leave .

Maternity leave :

As an employee you have the right to 26 weeks of 'ordinary maternity leave' and 26 weeks of 'additional maternity leave' .You should get this regardless of how long you have been with your current employer ,how many hours you work or how much you are paid .

The earliest you can start your maternity leave is 11 weeks before the expected week you are due to give birth .To qualify for your maternity leave you must tell your employer you are pregnant ,your due date and when you want to start your maternity leave .You need to do this at least 15 weeks before the start of the week your baby is due .If this is not possible ,because you did not know you were pregnant , you need to inform them es soon as possible .

For more information on money and work entitlements in pregnancy go to the directgov website .

Statutory maternity pay(SMP):

If you have worked for the same employer for at least 26 weeks before the end of the 15th week before your baby's due ,you will earn 90% of your salary .

Your employer may have their maternity pay scheme.

Paternity leave :

Following the birth of a baby ,if you are the father,husband of the mother or the mother's partner(including same sex partner) , you may be able to take one or two weeks leave from work to care the baby and support the mother .You are eligible for paternity leave as long as you expect to have responsibility for bringing up the baby and have worked for the same employer for at least 26 weeks by the 15th week before you baby is due .To qualify you must give your employer the correct notice and take the leave within 56 days of the birth of your child .

Statutory Paternity Pay (SPP) is paid by the employer for the one or two consecutive weeks leave you take. This is currently 90% of the average you earn weekly .Some employer have their own paternity leave arrangment ,normally included in your contract of employment .

Pregnancy's questions !

        Question to ask your midwife or GP .

It's worth having a list of question to ask your midwife or doctor at your first antenatal appointment .The more you know about your options, the more you'll be able to make decision about your care . Consider what you want to know about health cheks ,antenatal care,nutrition , and the delivery itself , and come prepared with some question to ask .

Notify midwife or Gp

            Arrange to see a midwife or GP as soon as you know you're pregnant .

It's very important to see a midwife or a GP as soon as possible after finding out you're pregnant . You should have had your long 'booking' visit by 12 weeks ,and you should also have been given your hand-held maternity records by this time . At the booking visit ,you'll discuss your health and any other concerns so that an individual care plan can be developed . You may be offered ultrasound scan .You will also be weighed , and given information on the screening tests avaible , and have an opportunity to discuss them . You don't need to decide now whether to have them .
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Travel during pregnancy


                       With the proper precautions, most women can continue to travel safely well into their pregnancy .

If your pregnancy has no complications , the best time to travel is when you are 14 to 28 weeks pregnant . Wherever you go ,find out what healthcare facilities are at your destination in case you require urgent medical attention .It's a good idea to take your medical records with you so you can give doctor the relevant information if necessary .Have a check-up before you travel and don't go unless you get all-the-clear from your doctor .Make sure you travel insurance covers you for any eventuality , such as pregnancy-related medical care during labour , premature birth and the cost of changing the date of your return trip if you go into labour .

When to travel ?

Many women prefer not to travel in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy because of exhaustion and nausea they experience during these early stage. The first three months are a sensitive stage , with a higher risk of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy ;However if you feel well and you've discussed it with your doctor ,there's no reason why you can't travel at this time .

After 28 weeks ,the biggest factor in deciding whether to travel ,apart from the issue of comfort, is the risk of going into early labour .If you decide to go away, consult your doctor ,who will determine you risk of a premature birth; If you get the all clear ,make sure there are adequate facilities at your destination in case you go into labour .

tips for pregnant women : Eating well for pregnancy

        Eating a balanced died during pregnancy can help to protect your health and your baby .

It's also a good idea to eat healthily if you're trying to conceive because a healthy pregnancy starts well before conception .

Take at least 400 micro-grams of folic acid a day while you're trying to get pregnant,and during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy . Folic acid reduces the risk of your baby having a neural tube defect ,such as spina bifida . Folic acid tablets are widely avaible from pharmacies , or you can talk to your GP about getting a prescription.

Don't worry if you get pregnant unexpectedly and weren't taking folic acid supplements . Start taking them as soon as you find you find out, unil you're past the first 12 weeks of pregnancy .Do take folic acid supplements every day .DO eat plenty of food rich in folate (the natural form of folic acid) such as green leafy vegetables, including spinach and watercress,nuts,pulses,wholegrains and fruit juice .

And : 
  • Don't take supplements that contain vitamin A because vit A cause foetal abnormalities .
  • Don't eat liver or products that contain it such as pat .
Alcohol :  

  • when you drink ,alcohol reaches your baby through the placenta .Too much exposure to alcohol can seriously affect your baby's development  .If you're trying to conceive or already pregnant the government advises that you should avoid drinking alcohol .

If you choose to drink:
  • Don't have more than one or two units once or twice a week and don't drink enough to feel drunk .
Getting pregnant may be more difficult if you drink .It's known that drinking heavily can result in Foetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) . Children with this syndrome have restricted growth,facial abnormalities and learning behaviour disorders . When a women drink while pregnant , the alcohol passes into the baby's bloodstream . The safest approach is to not drink at all.


You don't need to cut out caffeine completely , but don' t have more than 200 mg a day as high levels can result in baby having a low birth weight, which can increase the risk of health problems in later life ;Too much caffeine can also cause miscarriage ; There's caffeine in chocolate ,cola and "energy drinks" , as well as tea and coffee .

In general try to keep a well-balanced diet,which will supply all the energy and nutrients needed by you and your growing baby.

  •  Do eat plenty of fruits and vegetables (fresh,frozen,tinned ,dried or juice) five portion a day .
  • Do eat plenty of foods from the starchy carbohydrate group,such as breads,cereals,rice,pasta,noodles,maize,millet,yams and potatoes.
  • Do have milk and other dairy products(e.g yogurt,hard cheese) to ensure that you have a good intake of calcuim ;Use low-fat varities where you can.For example semi-skimmed milk ,low fat yogurt and reduced fat hard-cheese .
  • Do get enough vitamin D. It keeps bones healthy and provides your baby with enough vit D for the first few months of life . Take a 10-micro-grams supplement of vit D every day.Your body makes vit D from exposure to sunlight, but the amount of time you need in the sun to make enough vitD varies from person to person . If you have dark skin you may be at particular risk of vitamin D deficiency .Talk to your midwife or GP if you're worried about this.
  • Do get enough of iron because some women can develop low iron levels during pregnancy.Iron is found in meat,green leafy vegetables ,pulses,bread and fortified cereals .Your midwife can advise you whether you need to take iron supplement .
  • Do eat protein foods , such as meat,fish,poultry,eggs,beans,soya,pulses and nuts .Have a good variety to ensure that you get enoug protein and important nutrients ,such as iron,zinc,magnesium and essential fatty acids.Fatty acids include omega 3 fats (found in flaxseed oil ,rapeseed oil and oily fish ,such as mackerel and sardines ).
  • Do stay active and  move around .

And : 

  • Don't eat for two .You don't need extra calories until the final three months, when you need 200 extra calories a day -equivalent to two slices of toast with margarine or butter) .Be guided with your appetite .When you feel hungry between meals,choose a healthy snack such as fruit,yogurt or a bowl of cereal .
  • Don't try to loose weight during pregnancy .This can affect your baby's weight,and may stop you from getting al the nutrients that you both need.Don't skip meals,even if you feel sick.Eating little and often can keep your energy level up and can help to fight off morning sickness.  

Folic Acid

            Folic acid is important to protect your unborn baby from neural tube defects such as spina bifida .

Folic acid is a B vitamin.It occurs naturally in foods such as beans and pulses(e.g chikpeas,lentils),green vegetables ,and yeast and beef extracts.Some foods are also fortified with folic acid(this means they have folic acid added to them),such as certain breads and breakfast cereals.Products with extra folic acid should display a round symbol with the letter F in the center .

How will folic acid protect my baby ?

when a baby's spine doesn't develop properly in the womb,it's born with what's known as a neural tube defect (NTD). A well-known NTD is a condition is called spina bifida . This can potentially happen during any pregnancy .However,research shows that taking the right amounts of folic acid can significantly reduce the chance of your baby being born with an NTD.

How long do I need extra folic acid for ?

The department of health recommends that you start taking folic acid as soon as you stop using contraception.This is because it can be hard to know exactly when you will conceive, and the baby's spine develops very soon after conception .Folic acid should be taken until your 12th week of pregnancy.

when do I need a bigger dose of folic acid ?

  • You have had a baby with spina bifida.
  • You have diabetes.
  • You are taking drugs for epilepsy.
  • You have coeliac disease .
Speak with you GP or midwife about this .

Symptoms of morning sickness


   ( Include advice on when to seek for help .)

For most women ,the symptoms of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (NVP) begin before the ninth week of pregnancy,around six weeks after the last period . The symptoms of NVP should improve as your pregnancy progress and,in about 90% of cases,they resolve by the third month of pregnancy .

Sometimes,symptoms of nausea and vomiting  can be caused by a more serious,underlying health condition such as :

  • Urinary tract infection- a common infection that can affect the kidneys,bladder,urethra and the ureters .
  • Appendicits- a common condition that causes inflammation(swelling) of the appendix.
  • Pancreatitis- a uncommon but potentially serious condition that causes inflammation of the pancreas .

You should contact your GP or midwife immediately if you :

  • have very dark colored urine,or you do not pass urine for more than eight hours.
  • have abdominal(tummy) pain.
  • a high temperature (fever) of 38°c or above.
  • feel severely weak,dizzy, or faint when standing up.
  • Vomit blood.
  • have a racing heart rate.
  • have repeated episodes of vomiting .
  • are unable to keep down food,or fluids,for 24 hours.

Alternatively you can send an email to the administrator(GP) of this blog if you have any question .

Tips for pregnant women :Screening results

              Having a screening test during pregnancy can be a very difficult time .How do you deal with unexpected results .

Around 600,000 women become pregnant every year,and every women will be offered several types of screening .Some screen the mother for certain infection,such as sexually transmitted infections and rubella ; other screen the unborn baby for conditions such as sickle cell and thalassemia blood disorders, down's syndrome and structural abnormalities .

In pregnancy ,most screening results give the mother and unborn child the all clear ,but around one out of every 100 pregnancies screened are found to have a problem of some kind .When this happen there is always support available for parents ,whether it is from the medical profession or particular support groups.It's important that parents are given as much information and help as soon as possible.

Its should be remembered that screening tests do not always identify problems and some may be missed.When you are told that there may be problem with your unborn baby,you may feel any number of different emotions,such as feeling alone,angry or scared .You may think that nobody will understand exactly what you are going through and may even blame yourself,your partner or the doctors for the results ."This is a normal reaction to bed news".You may feel sadness at the loss of your hopes for a healthy baby,and confusion how to proceed with your pregnancy.Professional support is available to help you cope with the decisions and feelings .