Pregnancy advice about Common health problem

                       From morning sickness to vaginal bleeding ,find out how to cope with the minor and more serious symptoms that can occur during pregnancy .

Your body has a great deal to do during pregnancy .Sometimes the change taking place will cause irritation or discomfort , and on occasions they may seem quite alarming .There is rarely any need for alarm but you should mention anything that is worrying you to your maternity team .If you think something may be seriously wrong ,trust your own judgement and get in touch with your midwife or doctor straight away .

Am I Pregnant ?

                Finding out if you are pregnant .

Whether or not you've had a pregnancy test ,you should see a member of the maternity team ,such as your GP or midwife ,as soon as you think you're pregnant  .Being pregnant may affect the treatment of any current or future illness .Your pregnancy will be treated confidentially,even if you're under 16 .Your maternity team will advise you about the antenatal care choices in your local area .

The signs of pregnancy :

For women who have regular monthly cycle ,the earliest and the most reliable sign of pregnancy is missed period .Sometimes,women who are pregnant have a very light period losing only a little blood .

Other signs of pregnancy are :

  • feeling sick :you may feel sick ,or vomit.This is common known as morning sickness  ,but it can happen at any time of the day.If you're being feeling sick all the time and can't keep anything down,contact your GP.
  • changes in your breasts : your breast may become larger and feel tender ,just as they might do before your period .They may also tingle .The veins may be more visible ,and the nipples may darken and stand out .
  • More frequent urination.You may also have to get up in the night to pee.
  • Constipation.
  • An increased vaginal discharge without any soreness or irritation.
  • Tiredness .
  • A strange taste in your mouth,which many women describe as metallic.
  • Craving new foods,or losing interest in certain products that you previously enjoyed ,such as tea ,coffee,tobacco smoke or fatty food.

Pregnancy test :

Pregnancy tests can be carried out on a sample urine from the day of a missed period .If you're pregnant ,this is about two weeks after conception.You can collect urine at any time of the day .collect it in a clean,soap free ,well-rinsed container .

You can get pregnancy tests free of charge from your GP ,from a contraception clinic or buy it from the Internet,usually for a small fee.You can also buy do-it-yourself pregnancy testing kits from pharmacists.They can give a quick result,and you can do the test in private .A range of tests is available.The way they work varies ,so check the instruction first to make sure that you get the right result .

A positive test result is almost certainly correct .A negative result is less reliable.If you still think you're pregnant,wait a week and see a midwife or GP again .

Your feelings and relationships

                       Pregnancy is a time of big changes both physically and emotionally ,which can affect your feelings and relationships,so get as much advice as you can to help you to cope .

When you're pregnant it can sometimes seem as though you're not allowed to have other feelings .People expect you to look forward to the baby ,to be excited and to bloom all the time .You may think that this is the way you ought to be .In fact ,just like any other nine months in your life ,you're likely to have times when you feel low .And pregnancy brings extra reasons for happiness .

Hormonal changes :

Hormonal changes taking place in your body cause much of the tiredness ,nausea and emotional upsets that some women feel in the early months .You may cry more easily ,lose your temper more , and so on .Being tired and rundown can make you feel low .Look after your physical health and get plenty of sleep .

It's normal to feel anxious and worried when you're pregnant ,especially if this is your first pregnancy .There are a number of things you might feel worried about .You may have money worries or concerns about work or where are you going to live .You may be anxious whether you'll cope as a parent or whether you're ready to be a parent at all .You might find antenatal test stressful, particularly if any problem arise after the tests .Some of these anxieties can be shared by your partner ,friend or family ,and it's a good idea to talk about these feelings together .

Talking with your partner :

This may be your first baby but not your partner's ,so you may see and feel things differently .Talking about your feelings with him ,or with someone close to you ,is often a relief and can help you to put things in proportion .It may help him too.

Dreaming about your baby :

It's normal to have dreams about your baby ,and sometimes these dreams might reflect you anxieties .This could be because you're naturally thinking a lot about your pregnancy and the changes in your body .

Pregnancy tip : A healthy start

           Looking after yourself during pregnancy will not only be good for you ,it will help to give your baby a healthy start .

Try to eat a healthy diet based around carbohydrates (such as bread ,rice ,pasta and potatoes -choose whole grain versions when you can ), with lots of fruit and vegetables ,and some protein (meat ,fish,eggs,tofu,beans or pulses) and dairy products .For more information for what to eat and what you need to avoid ,see other tips on healthy eating in pregnancy .

Folic acid will help to protect your baby against neural tube defects ,such as spina bifida ,wich could disable them for life .A neural tube defect is when the foetus's spinal cord (part of the body's nervous system) doesn't form normally .You can buy supplements from a pharmacy ,or ask your GP about prescription .It's a good idea to start taking a daily tablet as soon as you start trying for a baby and keep taking until your 12 weeks pregnant.

Free milk tokens :(USA) :

Milk is rich in calcuim, which is needed for your baby's bone development .

Pregnant women might qualify for tokens for milk ,fresh fruit and vegetables if they get :
  • Income support ,or
  • income-based jobseeker's allowance ,or
  • child Tax credit only .
  • You can also exchange ,milk tokens for free fruit and vegetables .

Tips for pregnant women : Pregnancy test

                       If you have a pregnancy symptom you have to do a pregnancy test ,the most important pregnancy sign is a missed menstrual cycle .

Understanding Pregnancy Test :

The test detect HCG (human chronic gonadotrophin) in your blood or your urine .This hormone is produced shortly after the embryo fixes in your uterus .
Pregnancy tests can be carried out on a sample urine from the day of a missed period .If you're pregnant ,this is about two weeks after conception.You can collect urine at any time of the day .collect it in a clean,soap free ,well-rinsed container .

You can get pregnancy tests free of charge from your GP ,from a contraception clinic or buy it from the Internet,usually for a small fee.You can also buy do-it-yourself pregnancy testing kits from pharmacists.They can give a quick result,and you can do the test in private .A range of tests is available.The way they work varies ,so check the instruction first to make sure that you get the right result .

A positive test result is almost certainly correct .A negative result is less reliable.If you still think you're pregnant,wait a week and see a midwife or GP again .

The best time to take a pregnancy test :

We recommend that you wait after the first of your missed period .However there are some sensitive test that can detect pregnancy before .Sensibility of pregnancy tests is measured with milli-international units(mIU) :  a pregnancy test with a sensitivity of 20mIU/L is more accurate than a test with 50mIU/L .
Blood test given by doctor is more sensitive and can be positive after 12 days .

Home Pregnancy tests accuracy :

Home test are very accrate when used correctly . Every women should know that taking the test early gives false nagative .
However false positive ( A result saying that you're pregnant but you aren"t ) is rare but possible .Thus ,we can say a positive result is pretty good to say that you are pregnant .